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Frictionless TIP #4: Ways to Go Green With Your Property and Improve Profitability

Sep 19, 2019

With environmental sustainability being a major trend in virtually every industry, there is often a disconnect between marketing and reality. In other words, many companies claim to be “green,” but don’t actually follow-up on this promise.

Fortunately, there are innkeepers who are doing some very innovative things to minimize their impact on our planet – and are “walking the walk,” while also seeing financial rewards from their efforts.  

The  West Hill House B&B in Warren, Vermont is an example of this kind of property.  As an electrical engineer by training, Peter MacLaren, owner and operator of the inn, has worked to make the property 100 percent solar powered.

In addition to this, here are some other “green things” West Hill House has done that are great ideas for any innkeeper to consider implementing at their property:

  • Install charging points for electric vehicles
  • Provide re-usable bottles to guests for water
  • Offer composting and recycling to guests, in addition to doing so for the property’s operation
  • Use low-power LED lighting
  • Offer reusable shopping bags for guests
  • Create green cleaning products for use at the property which are chemical free and safe

In addition to being a good thing for the environment, these efforts have resulted in goodwill from guests who appreciate the commitment to going green, while also yielding some significant financial benefits. For example, the B&B gets energy credits from local electric provider Green Mountain Power when it generates power from its solar energy operation. As a result, Peter and his wife pay virtually nothing for their energy consumption.

To learn more about the West Hill House B&B’s green efforts, please check out this Mad River Valley TV segment:

You can also view the video here.

Thanks to Peter MacLaren of the West Hill House B&B for contributing to this Frictionless Innkeeper TIP by sharing insights during a Frictionless Innkeeper podcast.

Photo by Noah Buscher on Unsplash