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#035: Karen Thorne, Owner of the Bed and Breakfast Academy, Discusses Training for Innkeepers

#035: Karen Thorne, Owner of the Bed and Breakfast Academy, Discusses Training for Innkeepers

For episode #35 of the Frictionless Innkeeper podcast series, we speak with Karen Thorne, Owner of the Bed and Breakfast Academy, which offers training and ongoing support for aspiring and existing bed and breakfast owners.

The secrets to successfully running a bed and breakfast can often be elusive, especially for aspiring innkeepers. Fortunately, Karen Thorne, the owner of the UK-based Bed and Breakfast Academy, provides a wide-range of tools, trainings and courses to enhance marketing, operations, and increase overall bookings for any innkeeper.

As an innkeeper for 17 years, Karen brings knowledge and insights that help innkeepers succeed, and she now offers online courses in today’s COVID-19 environment.

We are very thankful to Karen Thorne for sharing her insights with us. You can learn more about the Bed and Breakfast Academy here.

#034: Darci Bartlett, President of the Non-Profit Interim Innkeepers Network, Discusses Temporary Staffing Options

#034: Darci Bartlett, President of the Non-Profit Interim Innkeepers Network, Discusses Temporary Staffing Options

For episode #34 of the Frictionless Innkeeper podcast series, we speak with Darci Bartlett, President of the Interim Innkeepers Network, a nonprofit organization that helps to place short- and long-term temporary innkeepers at properties where the owners need to take time off.

Being an innkeeper is a 24/7 job that can be all encompassing, where taking time off is a luxury that does not happen very often. Whether you need to attend an important event, supplement your existing staff during peak periods, or simply get away to recharge, the Interim Innkeepers Network connects innkeepers with experienced temporary staff across the United States and provides a seamless transition for a wide range of needs.

This episode will certainly give innkeepers a sense of relief to know that there’s a trusted staffing service that can help in many situations.

We are very thankful to Darci Bartlett for sharing her insights with us! You can learn more about the Interim Innkeepers Network here.

#033: Wendy Kelly, Owner of Wall Street Suites and the Agate Beach Motel, Discusses Her Unexpected Innkeeping Journey

#033: Wendy Kelly, Owner of Wall Street Suites and the Agate Beach Motel, Discusses Her Unexpected Innkeeping Journey

For episode #33 of the Frictionless Innkeeper podcast series, we speak with Wendy Kelly, the owner of the Wall Street Suites and the Agate Beach Motel – two independent/boutique properties in Oregon – who discusses her unexpected innkeeping journey and secrets to success.

It’s often the unexpected things in life that can both challenge you, and provide a path to long-term prosperity. When Wendy Kelly and her husband acquired the Agate Beach Motel in 1990, they had zero experience in hospitality, and the property required massive renovations for it to even be guest ready.

Fast-forward 31 years later, and the Agate Beach Motel is now an award-winning destination by the sea. Wendy and her husband parlayed their lessons learned to also owning the Wall Street Suites, a boutique property in Bend, Oregon that is ranked #1 in the region by TripAdvisor. 

This episode of the Frictionless Innkeeper podcast series will inspire any new innkeeper to keep on keeping on!

We are very thankful to Wendy Kelly for sharing her insights with us! You can learn more about the Agate Beach Motel here, and the Wall Street Suites here.

#032: Emily and Matthieu Monnier, Managers of Trapper’s Rendezvous, Discuss Increase in Bookings

#032: Emily and Matthieu Monnier, Managers of Trapper’s Rendezvous, Discuss Increase in Bookings

For episode #32 of the Frictionless Innkeeper podcast series, we speak with Emily and Matthieu Monnier, the managers of Trapper’s Rendezvous, who discuss how they saw an increase in bookings during the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, and how they have differentiated the property through digital marketing.

Sometimes location and timing can play a major role in gaining new guest bookings. For Trapper’s Rendezvous, this was the case when managers Emily and Matthieu Monnier noticed a rise in local guests during the summer 2020 days of the COVID-19 pandemic.

This unique property is comprised of six spacious cabins, and sits on five acres in the heart of the ‘Gateway to the Grand Canyon’ in the Route 66 town of Williams, Arizona. Aside from being located within driving distance from Las Vegas, Phoenix and southern California, it also offers guests lots of outdoor activities, historical Native American sites, and socially distanced cabins.

But increased bookings have not been solely due to luck, as Emily and Matthieu have focused heavily on enhancing the overall digital marketing for the property. This includes creating a more modern website, enhancing social media and email marketing, as well as securing a Vox feature and leveraging word-of-mouth.

We are very thankful to Emily and Matthieu Monnier for sharing their insights with us! You can learn more about Trapper’s Rendezvous by visiting their website.

#031: Christa Freeland, Manager of the Founder House Austin, Provides Insights Into the Millennial Traveler (Part Two)

#031: Christa Freeland, Manager of the Founder House Austin, Provides Insights Into the Millennial Traveler (Part Two)

For episode #31 of the Frictionless Innkeeper podcast series, we speak with Christa Freeland, an entrepreneur, former tech venture studio executive, and manager of the Founder House Austin. This is part two of our discussion with Christa, where she shares her insights into the millennial traveler.


Much has been covered in the media about millennial travel trends, but it’s not often that you get to hear directly from an influential member of this generation. Christa Freeland is certainly on the cutting-edge of travel in her role managing the Founder House Austin’s co-working and co-living property for entrepreneurs.

As a millennial herself, Christa believes that this generation is very experiential, and they are seeking authenticity in all of their travel experiences. In addition, innkeepers should be open to seeking honest feedback from millennials, provide unique experiences, and be creative in their guest offerings. 

Following are highlights from our interview:

  • Christa’s perspective on overall millennial travel trends. (1:00)
  • How other boutique hospitality providers should seek honest feedback from millennials. (6:47)
  • Why innkeepers should focus on their unique selling propositions. (7:54)
  • How millennials want unique experiences, as well as be connected with area attractions and businesses, during their stays. (11:26)
  • How innkeepers should consider developing creative differentiators, and leverage technology, for their properties. (16:42)
  • Why challenging times like the pandemic can be a catalyst for creativity in hospitality. (21:30)

We are very thankful to Christa for sharing her insights with us!  You can learn more about the Founder House Austin here. And, please be sure to listen to part one of this podcast series, where Christa discusses how the Founder House Austin shifted into being a co-working and co-living space for entrepreneurs.