by Steve Short | Sep 22, 2022 | Frictionless Innkeeper Podcasts
Enhancing direct and online bookings is paramount for any hospitality provider. Success often comes down to taking advantage of modern, digital marketing strategies.
For nearly 14 years, Q4Launch has helped property owners leverage multiple channels for driving additional revenue. Service offerings include marketing strategy development, web design, content development, search engine optimization (SEO), social media, paid ads, email marketing, lead generation, and revenue management.
We are very thankful to Ben Ollic and Kyle Collins for sharing their insights with us. You can learn more about Q4Launch at
by Steve Short | Aug 15, 2022 | Frictionless Innkeeper Podcasts
It is estimated that there are more than 10 million vegans in the United States. For Michele Salisbury, Owner & Chef of Salisbury House at Bethany Beach, this presents an opportunity for differentiation – as her property offers three-course gourmet vegan breakfasts for guests. Michele discusses her new vegan-only bed and breakfast, and how other lodging professionals can accommodate their guests who are vegan.
We are very thankful to Michele for sharing her insights with us. You can learn more about the Salisbury House at Bethany Beach at
by Steve Short | Jun 19, 2022 | Frictionless Innkeeper Podcasts
In the lodging arena, an often overlooked and important aspect to enhancing a property’s overall aesthetic is outdoor lighting.
Mike Glaeser, Field Support Consultant at Outdoor Lighting Perspectives, works with many properties to develop customized outdoor lighting solutions that can transform any location. Outdoor Lighting Perspectives is the number one low-voltage outdoor lighting provider in the United States.
We are very thankful to Mike for sharing his insights with us. You can learn more about Outdoor Lighting Perspectives at
by Steve Short | May 16, 2022 | Frictionless Innkeeper Podcasts
The B&B Team provides real estate brokerage and consulting services in the lodging arena, and has its finger on the pulse of where the industry is headed.
Eben Viens, the Owner of The B&B Team, works with a wide range of property owners and prospective innkeepers, and sees many younger buyers entering the market. Taking a page from boutique hotels, these property owners are challenging the status quo by selling experiences and creating memories – all great ideas to implement at any property.
We are very thankful to Eben for sharing his insights with us. You can learn more about The B&B Team at
by Steve Short | Apr 5, 2022 | Frictionless Innkeeper Podcasts
Supporting the entire guest journey, rezStream offers a wide-range of critical operational and marketing tools for lodging providers – from reservation software to booking engines, websites, and digital marketing.
The company partners with its lodging customers to develop customized plans, as well as offers à la carte solutions. rezStream’s property management software and marketing services position properties for long-term growth both in revenue and how they operate their business.
We are very thankful to Christian Holmsen and Jeff Hebrink for sharing their insights with us. You can learn more about rezStream at